Decomposition reaction Class 10 NCERT

Decomposition reaction: A chemical reaction in which a single reactant breaks down to give smaller products is called a decomposition reaction.

Decomposition Reaction

1. Which of the following is an example of a decomposition reaction?

  • 2H2O → 2H2 + O2
  • H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl
  • NaCl → Na + Cl2
  • H2O + CO2 → C6H12O6 + O2

2. What is required for a decomposition reaction to occur?

  • Energy (heat, light, or electricity)
  • Water
  • Oxygen
  • None of the above

3. What is the general form of a decomposition reaction?

  • AB → A + B
  • A + B → AB
  • A + B + C → AB
  • AB + CD → AC + BD

4. Which of the following is NOT a type of decomposition reaction?

  • Thermal decomposition
  • Electrolytic decomposition
  • Photochemical decomposition
  • Synthesis reaction

5. Which compound decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide upon heating?

  • CaCO3
  • NaCl
  • H2O
  • Na2CO3

6. Which of the following represents a decomposition reaction that requires light?

  • 2H2O → 2H2 + O2
  • 2AgCl → 2Ag + Cl2 (requires light)
  • CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
  • 2NaCl → 2Na + Cl2

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